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Reaching Sustainability Goals Through Nature Based Solutions


The second iteration of the annual McGill Sustainable Development Goals Week will take place from February 7th to 11th. Throughout the week, many panel discussions, workshops, and activities are organized to help students learn about, engage with, and take actions on the 17 SDGs. The 17 SDGs were unanimously adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in 2015 as a plan of action to create a more prosperous, inclusive, and sustainable future.

In collaboration with McGill SDG Student Hub, McGill Energy Association, Sustainability in Engineering at McGill, SSMU Environment Committee, and Research and Sustainability Network, we are holding a panel discussion on the topic “Reaching Sustainability Goals Through Nature Based Solutions.” This topic is related to SDGs 7 (Clean & Affordable Energy), 13 (Climate Action), 14 (Life Below Water), and 15 (Life On Land). The format of the event will be a 10min introductory presentation by each speaker on their research, followed by a 40min panel discussion. Next, there will be a 30min Q&A session where all participants can interact with the speakers.

November 24

Incorporating Renewable Energy in Urban Areas

September 20

McGill Energy Social